How to use a Spotify Premium Account?

1 min. readlast update: 07.10.2024

Making a use of Spotify Premium Account is really easy. If you've purchased an Account product-type, you've obtained a username with password. To get access to the Account, please follow these steps:

  1. Log-in to Spotify using the received username and password
  2. Important! Change the email and password of the account to make it yours
  3. And... that's it!

1st Option:

If your details include an email address with this domain:, please follow these steps: 

  1. Go to,
  2. Tap the 3rd icon,
  3. Enter the mail (but before till,
  4. Tap the 3rd icon again,
  5. The mail is active to receive mails and reset the password or change the mail.

Note: If the login does not work, please register an email (Outlook/Gmail, depending on the key).


2nd Option:

Simply activate the key through the received link.

The key is not working

If you have activated the key according to the guide but the code appears not to work, please check what type of error message you receive and depending on it follow the appropriate instructions:  

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