How to activate a Gift Me Crypto Gift Card key?

2 min. readlast update: 10.25.2024

Activating a Gift Me Crypto Gift Card key is really simple, just follow these steps:

  1. First of all you need to have a crypto wallet. If you don’t have one, you can use the one from P100.

  2. When you have a voucher GMC, you need to go HERE,

  3. Click on top right button on “redeem voucher”,

  4. Enter the voucher code (32 digits),

  5. Enter your email address,

  6. Pick the desired crypto between 8 of the most popular crypto,

  7. Enter your wallet address and click on redeem,

  8. You will have a summary of your transaction appearing and your crypto will arrive soon in your wallet.

Note: You can choose one currency at a time and can only redeem your whole voucher at once. Once you’ve done that, you should give it up to 30 minutes for your cryptocurrency to arrive in your wallet. After that, you can use your new wallet balance as you like.

The key is not working

If you have activated the key according to the guide but the code appears not to work, please check what type of error message you receive and depending on it follow the appropriate instructions:

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