How to use a PSN Accounts website?

2 min. readlast update: 06.07.2024

Making an use of PSN Account is really easy. If you've purchased an Account product-type, you've obtained a username with password. To get access to the Account, please follow these steps:

  1. Receive Your Redeem Code
    After placing your order, you should have received a redeem code. Copy this code as you will need it shortly.
  2. Visit PSNAccounts Website
    •    Open your web browser and go to our website:
  3. Access the Redeem Section
    •    Once on the website, locate and click on the "Redeem" button.

  4. Fill in Your Order Details
    •    You will be prompted to fill out a form with your order information. Enter the following details:
     - Order Number:
    Input the order number you received.
     -  Email Address:
    Enter the email address you used when placing your order.
     - Phone Number:
    If you do not wish to provide your phone number, simply enter "0".
     - Redeem Code:
    Paste the redeem code you received with your order.

  5. Submit Your Request
    After filling out the form, click on the "Redeem" button. Note that it may take up to 30 seconds for your request to be processed, so please be patient.

  6. Wait for Verification
    The system will check the validity of your redeem code. If the code is valid, you will automatically receive an email from our robot with your account details. This process typically takes a few minutes.

  7. Account Availability
     In rare cases, the account might be out of stock, causing a delay. While most accounts are delivered within an hour, it can sometimes take a few hours. Rest assured, this is not common and we strive to deliver your account as quickly as possible.


The key is not working

If you have followed the guide but the code appears not to work, please check what type of error message you receive and depending on it follow the appropriate instructions:


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