If you have already placed an order, which status is Complete but you still have not viewed the key, we are glad to inform you that we can offer you a refund.

In that case, please contact our Support Team to arrange a reimbursement. You can reach us via 24/7 LiveChat available by clicking at the widget in the bottom right-hand corner of the website or by writing an email to [email protected]. Please make sure to provide as your Order ID and the name of the product as it will speed up the resolution time for you.
On the other hand, if you have placed an order and already viewed the key:

Then as stated in our Terms & Conditions (11.3 Refunds) we are unfortunately unable to issue a refund for such a purchase:
When you click on the "View Key" button, you expressly agree to the delivery of the Product before the lapse of term to exercise your right to withdraw from the purchase. This results in the loss of your right to withdraw from the purchase. So, once access to the Product (its key or activation code) has been enabled to you, the sale contract has been fully performed and you no longer can cancel an order. We are not able to provide you a refund.
If you wish to return the product due to issues with its activation, please contact our Support Team as well. Our Customer Service Team will be more than glad to assist you with redeeming the key or help out if it is confirmed to be invalid.